Wednesday, 6 December 2017

4 successful mediations today 06.12.2017

1. Guardian Petition referred by Judge Saima Qureshi Learned Senior Civil Judge Guardian titled as Ghulam Abbas vs Asmat Bibi. Parties were already separated through divorce.
They had two children. They agreed that they will keep one child each and will arrange meeting with both children once a month at their own. Petition dismissed as withdrawn.

2. One family and one guardian case referred by Judge Saima Qureshi Learned Senior Civil Judge Guardian, Sargodha between the same parties titled as Mst Noreen Bibi vs Muhammad Ramzan for maintenance allowance of minor while the other case titled as Muhammad Ramzan vs Mst Noreen Bibi for custody of minor. Maintenance Allowance of minor agreed at Rs. 4000/- per month. Suit decreed to this extent. Parties agreed for meeting of minor once a month. Petition for custody dismissed as withdrawn. Parties agreed that they will make up their minds for reconciliation and they want to give each other space for few weeks.

3. One family case referred by Judge Shams Hasnain Khan Sial, Learned Judge Family Court Shahpur-Sargodha, titled as Mst Tahira Perveen vs Muhammad Riaz. Parties agreed for a separation. Maintenance Allowance of minor agreed by parties at Rs. 4000/- while claim of dowry articles relinquished on the pretext that the husband himself made all the dowry articles and wife did not bring anything along. Suit decreed to the extent of maintenance while dismissed as withdrawn to the extent of dowry articles.

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